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    Wednesday, April 25, 2007

    . ..pano ko ba mailalagay ung "Genuine Microsoft Software" na t0h?! Waa. ..sabi "This copy of Windows did not pass genuine validation. The product key found on this computer is a Volume License Key (VLK) that has been blocked. ..". Oh s0 pan0 na un? ano ba dapat gawin???? HELLLP!!! Araw-araw na nga ako kinukulet nito eh, "Your system maybe at risk". Tsk! Iniz! 0ist! Tulong naman dian oh. ". ..If you do have a Volume License Agreement with Microsoft, you believe you are using the appropriate VLK assigned to your organization, and your VLK has not been reported as stolen or lost.". Waa. ..tulong ka na!


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